Please contact us with any questions. We are always happy to answer any questions you have.
No problem. Courses can be created for grades kindergarten through adults according to your needs.
Instruction can include any of the following: First Aid, CPR, epinephrine auto-injectors, emergency preparedness, and personal hygiene. Interactive course content may involve handouts, games, group activities, and hands-on mannequin practice.
If you are ready to schedule your class, or if you just have more questions, please contact us. The more information you can give us about what you’re looking for, the better. If you have a general idea of the time and day you would like, we can let you know our availability.
Once we have a date reserved, a deposit is required to hold the date. With enough notice, the deposit is transferrable to another date.
Once the class deposit has been paid, you will receive an email with the link to access the Red Cross class content. The link will be emailed no earlier than two weeks before the class.
There is a travel charge for all classes for round trip travel time from San Mateo. The total amount will depend on the type of class, the number of participants in the class, and the drive time estimate. In the Bay Area, drive time varies widely depending on time of day. Contact us for an estimate of your travel cost.